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To audition for any of the plays below, show up at the designated time to the

Americana Room at the Mulberry Grove Rec Center and fill out form.  

The auditions consist of cold readings from the script. 


 Please Apply prior to Auditions by clicking the button below!

We must receive your $5 dues before you become an official member.



(Clever or artful skill, an ingenious device, an artful strategy or trick, cunning device.)

A Comedy by Anne Flanagan

Directed by Martha Manning

Performances: October 17-20, 2025

Audition dates: Saturday May 3 starting promptly at 1:30 pm and Monday May 5 starting at 2:00 pm.

Rehearsals start:  Saturday, 8/2 from 1:30 to 4:50 pm and then Mondays - 2 to 4:50 pm ( no rehearsal 

9/29), Tuesdays, 8/12, 8/19, 8//26, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14 from 11:00 am to 12:50 pm, Wednesday 10/1 from 

4:30 to 7:50 pm, Fridays from 12:30 to 4:50 pm and Saturdays 8/16, 8/30 and 9/20 from 1:30 to 4:50 pm

Set building:  10/4 from 1:30 to 8:50 pm

Set Finish:10/5 from 4:30 to 7:50 pm

Light + Sound tech rehearsal: Wednesday 10/8 from 4:30 to 9:50 pm

Dress : Sunday 10/12 from 4:30 to 9:20 pm

Dress :  Wednesday 10/15 from 4:30 to 9:50 pm

Set Strike: Tuesday 10/21 starting at 10:00 am

Cast Party: Friday, 10/24 from 1:00 to 4:30 pm or in the evening at Barb Peterson's

Full play - Full set and body microphones:   Cast consists of 4 Women and 4 men

You must be a member of the VTC before auditions.  Please click on the "New Member Application" button 

above if you wish to join.

Play Summary: 

The death of artist Payne Showers greatly inflates the value of his work. His estranged wife, Maggie, 

and his manager must auction his work to avoid bankruptcy so they hold a private showing before the 

auction. In attendance are a very influential newspaper woman, a fabulously rich real estate mogul, a 

handsome but dim witted soap opera star, and a sassy street wise cocktail waitress who is supposed to 

help with the party. Everything is going well when Payne Showers walks through the door!!!!

Artifice is a farcical take on celebrity and success and an affectionate tribute to loyalty and love.

Character Descriptions: 

Maggie La Rue:  Ex-wife of artist Payne Showers

Richard:  Payne's manager, always well dressed, nice looking but high strung.

Garciela:  A sassy spitfire, outspoken cocktail waitress/maid

Trent Matlock:  TV soap opera star. Handsome but incredibly dim.

Judith Fontaine: Elegant, powerful unflappable newspaper woman

Mick Fitzgerald:  Very wealthy, intimidating mafia type with a booming voice

Emma: Humorless art critic, plain

Payne Showers:  The "dead" artist, charismatic and self-absorbed 

For Questions or To Borrow a script to Read:

Contact: Martha Manning:  mamanning638@gmail.com