(Clever or artful skill, an ingenious device, an artful strategy or trick, cunning device.)
A Comedy by Anne Flanagan
Directed by Martha Manning
Performances: October 17-20, 2025
Audition dates: Saturday May 3 starting promptly at 1:30 pm and Monday May 5 starting at 2:00 pm.
Rehearsals start: Saturday, 8/2 from 1:30 to 4:50 pm and then Mondays - 2 to 4:50 pm ( no rehearsal
9/29), Tuesdays, 8/12, 8/19, 8//26, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14 from 11:00 am to 12:50 pm, Wednesday 10/1 from
4:30 to 7:50 pm, Fridays from 12:30 to 4:50 pm and Saturdays 8/16, 8/30 and 9/20 from 1:30 to 4:50 pm
Set building: 10/4 from 1:30 to 8:50 pm
Set Finish:10/5 from 4:30 to 7:50 pm
Light + Sound tech rehearsal: Wednesday 10/8 from 4:30 to 9:50 pm
Dress : Sunday 10/12 from 4:30 to 9:20 pm
Dress : Wednesday 10/15 from 4:30 to 9:50 pm
Set Strike: Tuesday 10/21 starting at 10:00 am
Cast Party: Friday, 10/24 from 1:00 to 4:30 pm or in the evening at Barb Peterson's
Full play - Full set and body microphones: Cast consists of 4 Women and 4 men
You must be a member of the VTC before auditions. Please click on the "New Member Application" button
above if you wish to join.
Play Summary:
The death of artist Payne Showers greatly inflates the value of his work. His estranged wife, Maggie,
and his manager must auction his work to avoid bankruptcy so they hold a private showing before the
auction. In attendance are a very influential newspaper woman, a fabulously rich real estate mogul, a
handsome but dim witted soap opera star, and a sassy street wise cocktail waitress who is supposed to
help with the party. Everything is going well when Payne Showers walks through the door!!!!
Artifice is a farcical take on celebrity and success and an affectionate tribute to loyalty and love.
Character Descriptions:
Maggie La Rue: Ex-wife of artist Payne Showers
Richard: Payne's manager, always well dressed, nice looking but high strung.
Garciela: A sassy spitfire, outspoken cocktail waitress/maid
Trent Matlock: TV soap opera star. Handsome but incredibly dim.
Judith Fontaine: Elegant, powerful unflappable newspaper woman
Mick Fitzgerald: Very wealthy, intimidating mafia type with a booming voice
Emma: Humorless art critic, plain
Payne Showers: The "dead" artist, charismatic and self-absorbed
For Questions or To Borrow a script to Read:
Contact: Martha Manning: mamanning638@gmail.com